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After the State Transportation Commission officially adopted a Complete Streets policy on July 26th, 2012, as required by PA 134 and PA 135 of 2010, the Michigan Department of Transportation wasted no time in getting the word out about the good news.  Upon request from the Michigan Complete Streets Advisory Council, MDOT recently published this one-page leave behind regarding the new policy in an effort to help inform internal staff, as well as road commissions, municipalities, and other interest groups across the state.

The one-pager includes the following vision for Complete Streets in Michigan:

  • A transportation network that is accessible, interconnected and multimodal and that safely and efficiently moves goods and people of all ages and abilities throughout the State of Michigan.
  • A process that empowers partnerships to routinely plan, fund, design, construct, maintain and operate complete streets that respect context and community values.
  • Outcomes that will improve economic prosperity, equity, accessibility, safety and environmental quality.

Download the one-pager or preview it below.

The Twin Cities Area Transportation Study, the group of communities in the Benton Harbor/St. Joseph area that work with federal, state, and local jurisdictions to plan for the transportation system in the area, recently passed their very own Complete Streets Policy!  You can review the policy at

The policy aims to include non-motorized facilities in the development of all transportation projects within the planning jurisdiction.  The design of our communities have not always taken into consideration other users of the transportation network, this policy aims to change the culture and infrastructure of an evolving region and demographic. This policy was developed with help from local municipalities, county road commission, MDOT, Disability Network of Southwest Michigan, and local advocacy groups representing biking, transit, and walking coalitions.

The next phase of the TwinCATS Walk and Roll Committee will be to develop a Top 10 list of locations in the planning area that need non-motorized facilities.
For more information about the TwinCATS Walk and Roll Committee or the process that was used to develop the policy contact Suzann Flowers at [email protected] or (269) 925-1137 x 17.

Michigan’s draft Complete Streets policy is out, and the Michigan State Transportation Commission (MSTC) is looking for your feedback. Through July 13th, we urge you to join other citizens around the state by signing the petition asking MSTC to adopt a stronger policy.

MSTC, a six-member board that establishes the policy and plans for Michigan’s Department of Transportation (MDOT), recently released the draft policy for implementing Complete Streets on state roads. The Complete Streets policy will direct MDOT planners to design and maintain roadways that fit within the context of the community and keep all users in mind, including bicyclists, public transit riders, motorists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

While the state’s effort is a big step in the right direction, bicycle, disability, transit, and pedestrian advocates around the state think the policy could be clearer, more specific, and include firm timelines for implementing Complete Streets procedures. Advocates analyzed the policy, comparing it to national best practices, and have identified a number of key areas where Michigan’s policy could be improved.

The draft policy is the result of Complete Streets legislation passed in 2010 with overwhelming support from Michigan Legislature and the public. The legislation requires that the state adopt a policy by August 2012.  MSTC is only allowing two weeks for the public to review and comment on the policy and this period is quickly coming to a close on July 13th. That’s why we need you to ACT TODAY and sign the petition urging MSTC to make improvements to the policy before adopting it.

Michigan officials need your input on a draft policy that could make streets in your community much safer.

It’s Michigan’s official Complete Streets policy, and through July 13, you can join other citizens around the state to send a clear message to the state:
Adopt a policy that is strong and that moves Michigan forward.

Last week, the Michigan State Transportation Commission, a six-member board that establishes the policy and plans for Michigan’s transportation department, released a draft policy for implementing Complete Streets on state roads. The Complete Streets policy will direct Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) planners to design and maintain roadways that fit within the context of the community and keep all users in mind, including bicyclists, public transit riders, motorists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

While the state’s effort is a step in the right direction, most bicycle, disability, bus, and pedestrian advocates around the state think the policy could be clearer, more specific, and include firm timelines for implementing Complete Streets procedures.

Without clarity and timelines most feel that the policy could become just another document that sits on a shelf in Lansing.

Michiganders have made it clear. They want safe and convenient transportation choices. And they want better, safer, and more Complete Streets.

To make sure Michigan adopts a strong policy, here’s how you can get involved:

Read the 2-page DRAFT Complete Streets policy here.

Please send an email to the Michigan State Transportation Commission and tell them how you feel about roads in your local community.

Here’s the email address: [email protected]

In your note, please tell them that you want a complete streets policy that:

  • Establishes clear internal timelines and specific procedures that the Department, must adopt;
  • Commit to training Department staff and other stakeholders on Complete Streets implementation, and;
  • Directs state officials to use best practices while working with local officials and stakeholders on best practices to make better, safer streets for all.

Spread the word on Facebook:

Please “like” and “share” Trans4M’s Facebook postcard. Include the caption:

Michigan is adopting a Complete Streets policy and we think it can be better. Tell the Michigan State Transportation Commission that we need a stronger Complete Streets policy!
Let’s move Michigan forward!
Please “like” and “share”
To learn more about Complete Streets in Michigan, check out the Michigan Complete Streets Coalition website:

Let’s move together to complete Michigan’s streets!

Last night was a big night for non-motorized transportation in Traverse City.  The City Commission passed a Complete Street resolution without discussion as part of a consent agenda. Resident and local advocate Gary Howe commented on his blog that, “It may not be the bold resolution or ordinance that some of us would have written, but as long the actions to follow include the planning, consideration and implementation for all users–it’s all good.”

He went on to encourage continued participation in the regional Complete Streets Coalition that has been formed to discuss opportunities to implement Complete Streets within the Grand Vision in Northwest Michigan.

Shortly after the City Commission adopted the Complete Streets resolution, they also adopted an amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Uniform Traffic Code Section 410.03, that requires all vehicles (including bicycles) to stop for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. State law currently only requires drivers to yield to pedestrians, not necessarily stop for them when they are attempting to enter the street from the curb. By passing this ordinance, Traverse City joins Ann Arbor in passing policy meant to help people safely cross a street. Ann Arbor has had their ordinance for about a year, but only recently began ticketing people for not following the new local law.

The Michigan Complete Streets Coalition congratulates the Traverse City Commission and local advocates for their ongoing efforts to improve safety for all roadway users.

Download Traverse City Complete Streets Resolution

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE via Disability Network/Lakeshore

Grand Haven, MI – The City of Grand Haven renewed their commitment to creating a safe and an inclusive community at their regular scheduled City Council meeting on July 18, 2011.

Grand Haven City Council members unanimously approved a Complete Streets Resolution to continue current practices of making the City more accommodating to walkers and bicyclists. The resolution comes after a presentation was made by Disability Network/Lakeshore to the City Council at their July 5th meeting indicating the benefits of such a resolution.

Complete Streets are achieved when local organizations and agencies routinely plan, design, construct, re-construct, operate, and maintain the transportation network to improve travel conditions for bicyclists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities in a manner consistent with, and supportive of, the surrounding community.

City Manager of Grand Haven, Pat McGinnis, drafted a resolution of support for the council to vote on Monday night. McGinnis urged the City Council to adopt the resolution of support stating, “Mobility is important in our community and by passing this resolution we are making a commitment to both ourselves and our citizens that safety and accessibility are key considerations in the planning process.”

Kathryn Gray, Public Policy Specialist for Disability Network/Lakeshore, also indicated a benefit of such a resolution is that, “by passing a Complete Streets resolution, there is the potential for priority when applying for transportation enhancement grants through the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). Communities passing resolutions or ordinances in support of Complete Streets may receive priority when MDOT is making grant considerations.”

Two council members showed concern for passing a resolution stating the City already practices Complete Streets concepts so what is the point for a resolution.

However, on the July 5th meeting Gray stated, “The City of Grand Haven is already making several strides in designing a walkable and livable community as seen in their 2010 City Master Plan but there are always new ways of looking at the planning process and perfecting the process to ensure safe and accessible transportation routes - for both motorized and non-motorized users.”

Manager McGinnis thanked Disability Network/Lakeshore for their technical expertise in presenting to the City Council and in assisting in drafting a resolution of support for the City. Gray is a certified trainer of Complete Streets from the Michigan Department of Community Health’s Complete Streets Institute.

Over 40 Michigan communities have adopted a Complete Street ordinance or resolution. The City of Grand Haven joins the City of Holland, City of Allegan and the City of Grand Rapids in the West Michigan area in passing such resolutions.

Download Resolution

For more information:

Kathryn Gray, Public Policy Specialist
Disability Network/Lakeshore
(616) 396-5326
[email protected]

The Oakland Township Board of Trustees voted to pass a resolution supporting the Michigan Complete Streets program [on April 12], which helps “ensure that engineers and planners design roadways to accommodate all users, not just motorists,” according to the coalition’s website [that’s us!].

“In many cases, this means curb ramps, audible or tactile signals for blind pedestrians, longer crossing times, smooth sidewalks and bike paths that are free of obstacles and transit stops that can be easily boarded,” the website says.

Read the rest of this article by Jen Anesi in the Oakland Township Patch

See additional coverage on M-Bike and Romeo Observer

Download Oakland Township’s Complete Streets Resolution

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