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Michigan officials need your input on a draft policy that could make streets in your community much safer.

It’s Michigan’s official Complete Streets policy, and through July 13, you can join other citizens around the state to send a clear message to the state:
Adopt a policy that is strong and that moves Michigan forward.

Last week, the Michigan State Transportation Commission, a six-member board that establishes the policy and plans for Michigan’s transportation department, released a draft policy for implementing Complete Streets on state roads. The Complete Streets policy will direct Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) planners to design and maintain roadways that fit within the context of the community and keep all users in mind, including bicyclists, public transit riders, motorists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

While the state’s effort is a step in the right direction, most bicycle, disability, bus, and pedestrian advocates around the state think the policy could be clearer, more specific, and include firm timelines for implementing Complete Streets procedures.

Without clarity and timelines most feel that the policy could become just another document that sits on a shelf in Lansing.

Michiganders have made it clear. They want safe and convenient transportation choices. And they want better, safer, and more Complete Streets.

To make sure Michigan adopts a strong policy, here’s how you can get involved:

Read the 2-page DRAFT Complete Streets policy here.

Please send an email to the Michigan State Transportation Commission and tell them how you feel about roads in your local community.

Here’s the email address: [email protected]

In your note, please tell them that you want a complete streets policy that:

  • Establishes clear internal timelines and specific procedures that the Department, must adopt;
  • Commit to training Department staff and other stakeholders on Complete Streets implementation, and;
  • Directs state officials to use best practices while working with local officials and stakeholders on best practices to make better, safer streets for all.

Spread the word on Facebook:

Please “like” and “share” Trans4M’s Facebook postcard. Include the caption:

Michigan is adopting a Complete Streets policy and we think it can be better. Tell the Michigan State Transportation Commission that we need a stronger Complete Streets policy!
Let’s move Michigan forward!
Please “like” and “share”
To learn more about Complete Streets in Michigan, check out the Michigan Complete Streets Coalition website:

Let’s move together to complete Michigan’s streets!

Join Trans4M for an exciting day in Lansing meeting with our legislators!

Thursday, February 23, 9am-4pm

Transportation for Michigan (Trans4M) members and supporters will meet with legislators to educate them on the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) and other Trans4M priorities.  Legislative background and talking points will be provided.  The agenda includes:

  • 9:00 am – Sign in, welcome briefing and plan for the day
  • 10:00 am - Meetings with House members (pre-scheduled meetings or drop-by visits)
    • Senate will be in session (you can also ask to talk to your Senator off the floor)
  • 12 noon - Lunch with legislators - Lunch provided
  • 1:00 pm - Meetings with Senators (pre-scheduled meetings or drop-by visits)
    • House will be in session (you can ask to talk with your Rep off the floor)
  • 3:00 pm - Brief wrap up meeting and reporting back

Specific locations at the capitol to be announced soon.

Three important things to do before attending:

  1. Make sure to RSVP at so we know how many to expect and can coordinate legislative meetings.
    • Make sure to note whether you want to ride on the bus from Southeast Michigan or whether you’d like to carpool.
  1. Work with other advocates from your area to schedule meetings with your legislators for while you’re in Lansing.  (Contact [email protected] for a sample meeting request letter.)
  2. Join us for a preview conference call to learn more about the issues and prepare. This call is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 21 from 6-7pm at 605-475-4850, code 636655#.

For more information, contact Allie or Tim at 517-487-9539.

Trans4M is a statewide coalition working to make Michigan communities more livable and our economy more robust through transportation policy reform. We envision a connected, convenient system linking more frequent, reliable and affordable passenger rail and public transit, as well as active transportation and complete streets.

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