The Oxford Village Council unanimously voted to adopt a Complete Streets Resolution at its January 25, 2011 Council Meeting. The Resolution, originally drafted by the Economic Restructuring Committee of the Downtown Development Authority was unanimously supported by the DDA Board and forwarded to the Village Council for consideration of passage. According to Holly Madill, Michigan Department of Community Health’s Complete Streets Project Coordinator, Oxford is the 21st city to pass a Complete Streets Resolution.

Anna Taylor, member of the Economic Restructuring Committee and DDA Board member said, “I encourage any DDA that wants to address how to make their town a more vibrant and welcoming pedestrian community, to take a serious look at Complete Streets. The Village of Oxford is a designated Main Street, so a well thought out Complete Streets policy is essential to our future and can mean the difference between surviving and prospering. To that end, a welcoming pedestrian community is essential.”

Complete Streets are defined as roadways designed and constructed to accommodate safe access for all legal users regardless of age, ability or mode of transportation.

“For years, state roads and highways were designed with a one-size-fits all approach. Lost in that process was the safety needs of those who walk and bicycle, especially senior citizens and children. It was very difficult, if not impossible, for a local community like ours to change that process, to make it about more than just automobiles,” said Don Sherman, Chairman of the Economic Restructuring Committee.

The next step is to work with Dan Burden of The Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, one of the nation’s top walkability experts. “A comprehensive design is needed to look at how the M-24 highway, sidewalks, crosswalks, signage, streetscapes and public spaces can be improved for residents, businesses and visitors of all ages,” says Madonna Van Fossen, Oxford’s DDA Executive Director. Recently, Joe Young, Village Manager and members of the Economic Restructuring Committee made a visit to Lawrence Technological University which resulted in an offer to work with the Village on upcoming public space design projects.

See Oakland Press media coverage.

Download Oxford’s Complete Streets Resolution (PDF version) (Word Version)