Funding to be awarded to five health departments in 2010 and an additional five in 2011

This Complete Streets Policy Request for Applications is issued by the Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity Section (CVHNPA) in the Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Control at the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). The purpose of this grant opportunity is to fund local health departments and one of their communities that are ready to work on passing a local Complete Streets ordinance. This is to support Michigan in having safer and connected communities in Michigan, increase assess to daily physical activity for transportation and recreation, and increase the physical activity levels in Michigan to reduce chronic disease and obesity in communities.

The CVHNPA Section will provide funding for up to five local health departments to work with a community within their jurisdiction that are interested in implementing a complete streets ordinance in a city, township, or village. Funding will be provided to five health departments in 2010 and an additional five in 2011.

The funding for this project is from a grant awarded to the CVHNPA Section at the Michigan Department of Community Health from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention American Recovery & Reinvest Act (ARRA) funding.

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