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Strategic Alliance for Health Communities Resolve to Complete the Streets

The Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians – Strategic Alliance for Health (SAH) Project is pleased to announce that all four SAH communities have passed Complete Streets Resolutions in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Complete Streets are those that are designed and maintained to be safe and accessible for all users of all abilities, and not just motorized vehicles.

Sault Ste. Marie was the first SAH community to adopt a Complete Streets resolution in August of 2010. Manistique followed in September, with St. Ignace in December 2010.  The City of Munising passed their resolution on February 21, 2011. SAH coalition members in each community worked with city leadership to develop the resolutions which demonstrate a commitment to plan, build and improve non-motorized transportation infrastructure as part of street repair and construction projects.

Improving the walkability and bikeability of their communities is one piece of the SAH project which is working toward making lasting policy, systems, and environmental changes to increase access to physical activity, healthy nutrition, and reduced tobacco use and exposure.

In June and July of 2011, the Sault Tribe SAH will be partnering with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan to bring the 2nd Annual Let’s Get Moving – Community Challenge to Manistique, Munising, St. Ignace, and Sault Ste Marie, along with the SAH mentored communities of Newberry and Kinross. The Community Challenge encourages the use of non-motorized transportation as community teams compete by earning miles for exercise, healthy nutrition and tobacco-free lifestyles. Each community will receive awards from BCBS-Michigan based on their team’s average per person mileage. The funds will be used by the cities to make some type of infrastructure change to enhance access to healthy behaviors within their community.

For more information about Complete Streets, the Sault Tribe SAH project or the Community Challenge, please contact one of the community coordinators:

Download Munising’s Complete Streets Resolution

We are pleased to report that on December 6, 2010, St. Ignace unanimously adopted a Complete Streets resolution.  Congratulations St. Ignace!

Download Word version of the following resolution.

The following Resolution was offered for adoption by Mayor Pro-Tern Gustafson, supported by Mayor Grondin:

WHEREAS, increasing walking and bicycling offers the potential for greater health of the population and more livable communities; and

WHEREAS, a Complete Street is safe, comfortable, and convenient for travel by automobile, foot, bicycle and transit regardless of age or ability; and

WHEREAS, the Michigan legislature has passed Complete Streets legislation that requires the Michigan Department of Transportation and local governments to consider all users in transportation related projects; and

WHEREAS, the Michigan Planning Enabling Act has been amended, requiring that all transportation improvements identified in a plan are appropriate to the context of the community and considers all legal users of the public right of way; and

WHEREAS, Complete Streets support economic growth and community stability by providing accessible and efficient connections between home, school, work, recreation and retail destinations by improving the pedestrian and vehicular environments throughout communities; and

WHEREAS, the City of St. Ignace recognizes the importance of street infrastructure and modifications, such as the non-motorized transportation plan, which shall include, at a minimum, accommodations for accessibility, sidewalks, curb ramps and cuts, trains, pathways and signage and shall incorporate principles of complete streets and maximize walkable streets within the City.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of St. Ignace supports the Complete Streets approach to right-of-way improvements and shall adopt a non-motorized transportation plan. This plan shall be approved by the Planning Commission, in consultation with the City Manager, the Department of Public Works, the Recreation Department and the Downtown Development Authority Director before Council consideration; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of St. Ignace accept a  $5,000 grant from the Saint Tribe Strategic Alliance for Health (SAH) for the study for the City of St. Ignace; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, after initial adoption, the non-motorized transportation plan shall be updated regularly as part of the City master plan update process.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes:       Councilmembers Della-Moretta, Fullerton, Mayor Pro-Tern Gustafson, Councilmembers LaLonde, Mayor Grondin, Councilmember Clapperton.

No:       None.

Absent:   Councilmember Wyse.

Resolution declared Adopted.

I hereby certify that the above Resolution is a true copy of a Resolution presented to the St. Ignace City Council for adoption at a regular meeting held Monday, December 6, 2010, at 8:00 p.m.

Vonderwerth. City Clerk

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