As we reported last week, the Michigan Senate Transportation Committee is taking testimony on Complete Streets legislation (HB 6151 and 6152) this Wednesday, July 21.  The hearing will be at 11 am (or immediately following session) in room 100 of the Farnum Building in Lansing. If you are planning to attend or testify, please contact [email protected]. We are asking all Complete Streets supporters to contact Senate Transportation Committee members in support of these bills before Wednesday’s hearing.

A sample letter is provided below.  Please personalize the message and email it to all five Senators on the Transportation Committee.  If you are from the district’s of any of the Transportation Committee members, please make special note of that in your communications.

Senate Transportation Committee Members:

Jud Gilbert
[email protected]
(517) 373-7708

Roger Kahn
(Vice Chair):
[email protected]
(517) 373-1760

Gerald Van Woerkom
[email protected]
(517) 373-1635

Raymond Basham
(Minority - Vice Chair):
[email protected]
(517) 373-7800

John Gleason:

[email protected]
(517) 373-0142

Sample Letter:

Please personalize

Subject: Support HB 6151 & 6152 - Complete Michigan Streets

Dear Senate Transportation Committee,

I am asking that you support Michigan Complete Streets legislation. House Bills 6151 and 6152 were introduced to encourage communities and road agencies to consider nonmotorized and public transit accommodations to our transportation corridors in state, regional and local planning and implementation processes as a way to create more walkable, bikeable places where children and families can be physically active. The House Transportation Committee unanimously passed the bills, and on the floor of the House of Representatives the bills received overwhelming support. HB 6151 passed with a vote of 85 to 21 and HB 6152 passed 84 to 22.

Complete streets policies ensure that infrastructure is designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities can move safely along and across a complete street.  There is no prescription for what a Complete Street looks like.  A Complete Street in a rural area will look different from a Complete Street in a highly urban area, but both are designed to balance safety and convenience for everyone using the road.

Complete Streets boost the economy by increasing residential property values because homeowners are willing to pay more to live in walkable communities and businesses located along Complete Streets often see an increase in sales.  Complete Streets improve safety and reduce crashes by providing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, such as safe crossings, sidewalks, or on-road bicycle lanes. Complete Streets promote public health by making it safe and convenient for children and families to incorporate physical
activity into their daily lives as a way to combat the obesity epidemic. Clearly, supporting Complete Streets is investing in a stronger and healthier Michigan.

I urge you to vote in favor of the Michigan Compete Streets Bills.  Together we can create a more vibrant Michigan.


Your Name
Your Organization
123 Your St.
Yousville, MI 12345
Phone: (123) 456-7890