Microsoft Word - CS-SPAT Legislator Cover Letter.doc

Healthy Kids, Healthy Michigan (HKHM) Complete Streets Task Force distributes Complete Streets Resolution to all Michigan Legislators.

Download the HKHM Complete Streets Resolution.

Background on HKHM:
In 2007, Governor Granholm received a one-year grant award from the National Governors Association through the Healthy Kids, Healthy America program.  This program was designed to provide the nation’s governors with the opportunity and means to make progress in addressing childhood obesity in schools and communities in their state. Governor Granholm’s project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Michigan, worked with executive-level decision-makers from government, public and private sectors, school districts, health care and non-profit organizations to create a multi-year strategic policy agenda to reduce childhood obesity in Michigan.

Over the year-long Healthy Kids, Healthy Michigan project, more than 100 organizations collaborated to explore and prioritize policy options to confront childhood obesity.  A five-year strategic plan has been developed and a set of first-year priorities identified.